Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Just learn from one close friend of mine today that he got LAID OFF. So sad coming from a friend that you hang out with a lot. He's str8 and Gymrats LOL we had a talk for half an hour on the phone - he sounds very sad you know its NEW YEAR and your unemployed :(

Im very lucky that my business is doing fine and don't have to worry about workin with somebody else - I mean I'm my own BOSS but I have to work twice or ten times harder because Im doing everything from Accounting - Dealing w/ clients and my own paycheck. If I get lazy and decide to do nothing - I have no check or money LOL.

He decided today to take a vacation in the Philippines (I really wanted to go) it's so cheap right now to go home ($1,104) but Im not ready - I had so much stuff to do here and that's the worse thing having your own business, sometime you don't have time to go somewhere else in pronto. Also I'm a type of person that everything is schedule or else i will be totally lost.

He asked me to borrow my digital camera - I said in one condition LOL loko meeh - he just laughed.


I included couple song for my jukebox for two reason I'm one of their BIGGEST fans here in States. Not just some of their old song were kinda gospel but some are just totally RAD to listen to. One member of the band is my Cousin so Insan - THANK YOU and YOU MAKE US PROUD !!! Btw his Mom and my Mom were Sister. So next gig you guys front seat ako kokey.


A post without mentioning Mariah Carey is NOT so Jhune:P

I been an avid fan of her since day first I heard Mariah's first single. Owned some of her rare cd dated back 1992 when I first moved to Japan. Back then (talkin about 1992) cost around Y2,800 each Cd there yep aound $30.00 each plus some bonus track (tracks that is not available most US release CD version). One of which I saw on ebay was worth $150.00 in good condition so probably now I have atleast $1000.00 worth of hard to find Mariah Cd cool cool but I don't have any intention on selling them in the near future :P . Can't wait for her next cd release hopefully before the year end or early if they can LOL. Her music makes me relax and in some situation (at worst) remembers some old friends or ex LOL. She looks great while celebrating New Years at one of the trendy club here in Vegas (Tao night club).
Lastly I actually name one of my all time Filipino foods - Kare Kare as in Mariah !!!